The scope of the training and employment of graduates of the School of Management of the University Center of Los Altos

  • Cándido González Pérez Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Jesús Adrián Padilla Ruezga Universidad de Guadalajara


What is presented below is the result of a qualitative research based on interviews with graduates of a university course offered at a regional campus of Universidad de Guadalajara and which aims to identify the main features both in university education and in the workplace. The two theoretical currents we analyze, show greater influence on the clarification of the knowledge gained through the implementation of applied research and also major problems that students face when they are studying. As a special addition, the opinions of a group of freshmen are exposed to contrast what are the expectations when entering and reality when they graduate.


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How to Cite
González Pérez, C., & Padilla Ruezga, J. A. (2016). The scope of the training and employment of graduates of the School of Management of the University Center of Los Altos. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(12), 1 - 20.