Relationship between sexual assertiveness and self-efficacy for preventing HIV/AIDS in young university students in the area of health care

  • Andrés Osorio Leyva Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero
  • Alicia Álvarez Aguirre Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Verónica Margarita Hernández Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Mercedes Sánchez Perales Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Luz del Rosario Muñoz Alonso Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between sexual assertiveness and self-efficacy for preventing HIV/AIDS in students of the Academic Unit of Nursing N° 2, at the Autonomous University of Guerrero. Cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study method was used. Was attended by 400 students by simple random sampling, who answered a card with data personal, school, and work, sexual assertiveness scale and one of self-efficacy for preventing HIV/AIDS. Was authorized by the educational institution and the participants informed consent/assent. In the analysis of the data is obtained statistics descriptive and inferential. Out of the profile demographic of participants, 50% are women and the rest men, of which 84.8% are unmarried, 33.8% is the third semester, 31.0% working and studying at the same time, and 65.8%  study Bachelor's degree. With respect to the level of sexual assertiveness, 39.5% achieved a high average level and 39.0% a high average level of self-efficacy for preventing HIV/AIDS. Also, there was a significant relationship between these variables (r =. 406; p<0.01), which noted that to higher level of sexual assertiveness no higher level of self-efficacy for preventing HIV/AIDS. In conclusion, the results allowed to determine that to higher level of sexual assertiveness have higher level of self-efficacy for prevention of HIV/AIDS, which serves as a base for designing targeted interventions in this study population.


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How to Cite
Osorio Leyva, A., Álvarez Aguirre, A., Hernández Rodríguez, V. M., Sánchez Perales, M., & Muñoz Alonso, L. del R. (2017). Relationship between sexual assertiveness and self-efficacy for preventing HIV/AIDS in young university students in the area of health care. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(14), 1 - 14.
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