The Multinational Evaluation Associated with the Impact in the Society of the Degree in Public University in the West of Mexico

  • Donato Vallín González Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Francisco Santillán Campos Universidad de Guadalajara


With the idea of ​​knowing the impact that the law degree (LD) offered by the Public Universities of Mexico has had in society, evaluation processes were carried out by external experts in the law sciences through the GRANA methodology that is based on A 10-step process, starting with internal evaluation or self-assessment and concluding with external evaluation (as a second look at the analysis). The internal evaluation was carried out by a committee composed of teachers, students and managers. The external evaluation was carried out by 3 evaluators from different countries and continents. An observer from a fourth country and a general coordinator of the evaluation of a fifth country were included in the processes. An important criterion was that all the evaluation participants had experience in evaluation processes in their country or region of origin. For the construction of this work, the SIEVAS manual6 was used in section 1 of the section entitled "social impact of training", consisting of 10 sub-items or items and each item is based on 10 second and third indicators generation. The GRANA model is considered decimal because it has 10 items, 100 items and 100 indicators. It is cyclical and circular because among its parts are linked to each other and are permanently updated as occurs with the academic programs evaluated, this process is known as PMP or permanent improvement plan. The scientific references of this model are: UNESCO, the OECD, the World Bank, the Declaration of Bologna10 among others. In order to facilitate the processes and procedures of the evaluation, a computer platform called SIEVAS11 was used that facilitates the filling of the internal evaluation and facilitates the external evaluation allowing the interaction between evaluators. The tools it has to facilitate the evaluation are: meanings, contexts, bibliographical references, glossary, decimal scale to qualify quality levels, fields to integrate strengths, weaknesses, permanent improvement plan, formats to integrate statistics in retrospect and Prospective, computer availability to incorporate evidentiary documents and websites that help the evaluation process. It also has graphs that are built automatically as the evaluation is incorporated into the platform. The article has the purpose of comparing the two views of the process and the conclusions of both evaluations seen from the social utility in the training processes and the professional performance of its graduates since its creation and offer in the regional, local, national and international environment.


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How to Cite
Vallín González, D., & Santillán Campos, F. (2017). The Multinational Evaluation Associated with the Impact in the Society of the Degree in Public University in the West of Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 7(14), 384 - 412.
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