Reading Strategies and Their Impact on the Reading Comprehension of Students at a Public University in Northwestern Mexico

  • Aidee Espinosa Pulido Universidad Autónoma de Baja California


This work presents the results of a research that aimed to investigate whether it is possible to improve the reading comprehension of the students from the first semester of a public institution in the northwest of Mexico through reading strategies. A descriptive quantitative methodology was used. The type of research design was pre-experimental with a single pre-test and post-test group to check the hypothesis. The procedure was to assess the reading comprehension of the participants with a pretest to know the level they were in before the instruction. An intervention plan was continued: a ten-hour workshop was implemented to instruct the use of reading strategies. Finally, reading comprehension was evaluated with a post-test to compare the results of both tests and to have elements to determine the effectiveness or not of the intervention. The results showed that after the instruction on the use of strategies 38% of the study participants advanced in level and 50% of the cases, although they did not manage to change level, improved their reading comprehension by obtaining a higher score. Therefore, instruction in the use of strategies is recommended, and with this, the training of competent readers is encouraged.


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How to Cite
Espinosa Pulido, A. (2020). Reading Strategies and Their Impact on the Reading Comprehension of Students at a Public University in Northwestern Mexico. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 11(21).
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