Post-pandemic stress in the face of back-to-school in university students

  • Susuky Mar-Aldana Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
  • Arturo Barraza Macías Universidad Pedagógica de Durango
  • Miriam Hazel Rodríguez López Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
  • Leticia Pesqueira Leal Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango


Abstract The meaning of stress became a common word in the society in which we live; As part of the dissemination of its use, it began to be mentioned also in educational spaces and came to be considered as a growing difficulty of attention in the student population. The objective of the research was to establish the prevalence of post-pandemic stress in the face of the return to classes in university students and to establish its relationship with the variables sex, age, degree and semester. A quantitative, cross-sectional, correlational and non-experimental study was conducted, considering a population of 254 students from first to eighth semester, aged 18 to 25 years, of which 82.3% are women and 17.7% men to whom the instrument called Post-Pandemic Stress Inventory before the Return to Face-to-Face Classes (IEP-RCP). The students reported a moderate level of post-pandemic stress before the return to class of 3.19 (SDE: .602), the analysis of the relationship between the variable sex and stress shows the following values: t: -4.353; GL: 252; sig: .000.; From this result, it can be affirmed that the sex variable does have a discrepancy in the level with which post-pandemic stress is presented before the return to classes, with women presenting it with a higher level. In the analysis of the relationship between the variable age and stress, a value p> .05 was obtained, so it is concluded that there is no relationship between both variables. The return to face-to-face classes was not the end of mental health problems within the university population and the presence of post-pandemic stress before the return to class shows the need for institutions to work for the benefit of the mental health of their students.


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How to Cite
Mar-Aldana , S., Barraza Macías, A., Rodríguez López, M. H., & Pesqueira Leal, L. (2023). Post-pandemic stress in the face of back-to-school in university students. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(27).
Scientific articles