Students' perception of the use of Padlet in the Geography Degree considering the Deep Learning Algorithm

  • Eduardo Domínguez-Herrera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Currently, virtual walls are revolutionizing the way school activities are organized. Virtual walls like Padlet are ideal communication tools for the educational field. In fact, this virtual wall allows sharing various teaching resources in real time. The objective is to analyze the use of the Padlet virtual wall for the enthusiasm, teaching-learning process, motivation, and satisfaction considering the Deep Learning algorithm. The sample is made up of 29 students of the Methodological Bases of Geographic Research course. Here we show that the dissemination of resources and information in Padlet positively affects the process of teaching-learning, motivation, satisfaction, and enthusiasm. The Padlet virtual wall is a technological tool that educators can use to transform school activities and encourage an active role through the dissemination of school content. This mixed study recommends that universities together with teachers use technological advances such as Padlet to create and design virtual teaching-learning spaces. In conclusion, Padlet facilitates the organization and implementation of new school activities where the student becomes the main actor in the educational process.


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How to Cite
Domínguez-Herrera, E. (2024). Students’ perception of the use of Padlet in the Geography Degree considering the Deep Learning Algorithm. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(28).
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