The process of transfer in the use of ICT in the normal schools of the state of Zacatecas


The present investigation has the purpose of examining the didactic, disciplinary and technological conceptualizations of the normalist teachers to analyze what determines the teacher to include and incorporate the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational process and what is the process of transfer they carry out. On this occasion, a phenomenological design will be carried out, which aims to explore, describe, understand and understand the experiences of normal teachers by including and incorporating ICT in their teaching practice, and thus discover the elements that determine it. The phenomenon of interest is: What is the transfer process carried out by normal teachers? The context is the Normal Schools of the State of Zacatecas and the teachers that attend the Teaching Work and Innovation and ICT in Education subjects, because they are subjects that have a direct impact on professional competence: use ICT as teaching tools and learning. Among the results is that by analyzing the description of each teacher can be established that the determination of ICT part or are grouped into three dimensions, the technological, disciplinary and didactic. In the technological aspect, teachers consider: accessibility, connectivity, digital skills, digital literacy and infrastructure. In the disciplinary field it is identified that any content can be developed with the help of ICT, but there are indications about the identification of the nature of the content (declarative, procedural and attitudinal). In the didactic aspect they are considered: the characteristics of the students, the ICT as a means or instrument of learning and the strategy to use. Regarding the implementation of ICT, it can be seen that the information gathered coincides with what was stated by Barrantes, Casas and Luengo (2011), which identify three types of difficulties, infrastructure and materials, training, organization and curriculum. The transfer process is perceived in two types identified by Flores (2004), that of cognitive transfer, which is generalized in the abstract plane from theory to theory, and visualized, being a close, safe application of learning and planned. Others are closer to the transfers in-action and the transformation of the practice, which is from theory to practice, ie the application of learning in teaching practice, with the real performance of the subject in everyday life.


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How to Cite
Rincón Castillo, A. G. (2018). The process of transfer in the use of ICT in the normal schools of the state of Zacatecas. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 622 - 646.
Scientific articles