The mechanics of solids as a unit of competence of the curriculum of engineering study programs


The curricular update of the study programs in Higher Education Institutions (IES), are currently oriented to the offer of a competency-based education proposed by the Government of Mexico (2017) and not in social performances proposed by CONALTE (1991). Therefore, it is essential that the modifications made to the study plans be highly relevant and allow the professionals in training to have better alternatives and opportunities for inclusion or work improvement, even when they can not continue their studies. In curricular reviews, the proposal to create lateral exit options when students can not continue their studies has not been formulated in a relevant manner before the instances dedicated to management, planning and curricular design in HEIs. Therefore, the present work exposes the analysis carried out in favor of the alternatives of professionalization of the parceled knowledge of a profession from the perspective of labor competence. Based on the experience of designing a teaching strategy developed from the analysis of the academic content of the subjects related to the subject of Solid Mechanics (MS) and its educational objective. The results obtained show the possibility of locating the MS as a viable Competency Unit in favor of the professional training of an engineering student of Higher Education Institutions. It was also observed that a block of subjects of the initial semesters of a program of studies in engineering concur as prerequisites to study the subject of MS. Therefore, it was identified that from the instructional teaching of the MS the opportunity is generated to acquire the skills that favor a pertinent labor qualification with the activities of the control of the quality. From the perspective of the labor qualification of the job position "Analyst of mechanical properties of metallic materials in solid state". Activity with high demand of the business sector of the metal-mechanic and construction industry nationally and internationally.


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How to Cite
Candia García, F. (2018). The mechanics of solids as a unit of competence of the curriculum of engineering study programs. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 789 - 819.
Scientific articles