Psycho-cultural perspective of education and teaching self-management: An organizational approach in the classroom.

  • Ruve Vela Dos Santos Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos Industrial y de Servicios # 76 “Benito Juárez García


In this article the causes that create a psycho-cultural perspective in education and a teaching that leads to self arise in the near future an organizational proposal in the classroom at the Center for Technology Studies and Industrial Services # 76 mentioned "Benito Juárez García "as both principals, teachers and students have not understood that culture is an organizational culture expression since all organizational form implies that the aforementioned actors learn to organize individually and collectively mean that this school will develop culture. However, current organizational systems of this educational institution are stagnant which leads to cultural development is inhibited.


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How to Cite
Dos Santos, R. V. (2015). Psycho-cultural perspective of education and teaching self-management: An organizational approach in the classroom. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 2(3), 153 - 176. Retrieved from
Education And Educational Technology