Linking Ethics, Social Responsibility commitments in PYMES Tourism Industry. Champoton, Campeche

  • Luis Alfredo Argüelles Ma Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • Roger Patrón Cortés Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • Mario Javier Fajardo Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


The research is non-experimental design, cut transeccional explores Ethics and Linkage with the Company, as part of the organizations commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, describing the characteristics of small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector Champotón Township , Campeche, concluding on the basis of the frequency of results, if there are actions to maintain a sustainable business that not only provide products and services to customer satisfaction, but do so without jeopardizing their relations with ethical integrity and social actors it interacts with, operating in this way, in a socially responsible. Diagnosis is made, of SMEs, which describes its potential capacity, and consistency to sustainably maximize the added value (economic, social, cultural, etc..), In the context of corporate social responsibility (Cajiga.2010), giving to know the possibility of credit in your favor the work done by the external actions performed, as well as the improvement or addition of programs that do denote as socially responsible, and incorporate it into their business strategy as a differentiator and competitive advantage, improve its financial results.


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How to Cite
Argüelles Ma, L. A., Patrón Cortés, R., & Fajardo, M. J. (2015). Linking Ethics, Social Responsibility commitments in PYMES Tourism Industry. Champoton, Campeche. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 3(5), 150 - 165. Retrieved from
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