The negative emotions experienced by teachers in distance classes intimes of pandemic

  • Omar Iván Gavotto Nogales Universidad de Sonora
  • Lidia Isabel Castellanos Pierra Universidad de Estudios Profesionales y de Posgrado


The purpose of the study was to record and document the unpleasant emotions that teachers have faced during the teaching of their virtual classes in times of pandemic, caused by Covid 19. The study was carried out through the consultation of various social media and whose veracity could be confirmed through different sources. The research design was qualitative with an exploratory scope, using the content analysis method, taking as a sample 20 cases that were made public. The analysis was limited to identifying the didactic experiences through virtual platforms at the upper secondary and higher educational level. The emotional challenges that some teachers have faced in adapting to virtual distance learning are evident. It was identified that teachers focus more on the aspects of operational regulations, than on facilitating learning, observing elements of frustration for failing to generate greater control and mastery of student behavior. Teachers were found to have mainly experienced emotions such as anger, fear, disgust and sadness. Anger presented four subcategories in progressive levels of intensity: annoyance, frustration, exasperation and propensity to argue. Fear presented five subcategories in progressive levels of intensity: restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, fear and despair. Disgust presented three subcategories in progressive levels of intensity: discontent, aversion, and dislike. Sadness presented the following subcategories in progressive levels of intensity: disappointment, dismay, discouragement, resignation, helplessness, hopelessness, tribulation, heartbreak, discouragement, and anguish. In this core emotion, ten levels were reached, which are all subcategories, so it can be considered the dominant or core emotion in the teaching experience. It is suggested to promote psychological support to teachers, even if they do not request it to counteract the effects of negative emotions on health. The educational authorities must urgently generate strategies to adapt the educational model, guarantee continuous training of teachers, according to current challenges, providing the necessary and sufficient resources to reduce the damage caused by the emotional effects that could impact in the short term. the health of teachers.


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How to Cite
Gavotto Nogales, O. I., & Castellanos Pierra, L. I. (2021). The negative emotions experienced by teachers in distance classes intimes of pandemic. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(23).
Scientific articles