A framework of the university tutoring function to promote student permanence, with a transdisciplinary cyber systemic approach

  • Matilde Reséndiz-Castro Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Rosalba Zepeda-Bautista Instituto Politécnico Nacional


Student abandonment is a socio-educational phenomenon that affects all educational levels. In Latin America, it is to identify factors associated with student permanence through diagnoses that identify specific areas of opportunity in each educational context. To promote student permanence at the top level, the objective of this research was to create a framework for the university tutoring function. To this end, a case study was used under a cyber-systemic transdisciplinary approach to research participation. The population was a student of a curriculum at a Technological University in Mexico. The period of the investigation went from the last quarter of 2018 to the first quarter of 2019. Diagnostic indicators for students, teachers and employers organized in three vulnerable areas were used: academic (evaluation criteria, partial qualifications, evaluation tools and study time), staff (vocation, career plan) and economic (internal scholarships, work bag). The results show an example of a framework composed of: (a) The transdisciplinary systemic cyber foundation of the university tutoring function; b) Two models: Integral University Tutoring Model and Systemic Management Model of University Tutoring. From the models was obtained c) General Institutional Tutoring Program and its d) Planning of Systemic Tutoring Action with the classification of indicators, aligned with the educational model case study and its national model of tutoring. Based on the information of the participating students during the first two semesters, a 76% student stay was quantified, with the application of the planning up to the second quarter. In the third and even the penultimate quarter, the program was not implemented, resulting in a 38% permanence. It is concluded that a student care program is needed that, in addition to its comprehensive implementation, is backed up and adjusted to the needs of students covering the number of possible student states.


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How to Cite
Reséndiz-Castro, M., & Zepeda-Bautista, R. (2021). A framework of the university tutoring function to promote student permanence, with a transdisciplinary cyber systemic approach. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 12(23). https://doi.org/10.23913/ride.v12i23.1009
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