The philosophy of music education and its relevance as a subject

  • Solanye Caignet Lima Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
  • Samuel Caleb Chávez Acuña Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas


The field of Philosophy of Education is extensive, but also abstract and subjective. Within the subjects that are taught in a musical career at an institutional level, there is the subject of Philosophy of Music Education that can contribute to an ideological and influential debate. Many questions have been formulated from the complex philosophical thoughts about the relevance of music and its teaching, as well as its influence on the human being. The objective of this essay is to determine the scope of this subject for the music undergraduate student, as well as establish the benefits that it can bring through a content that invites to deepen criteria and reflection. It follows that the educational past has shaped the current way of learning and teaching music and that the Philosophy of Music Education opens the debate for the fundamental concepts of music teaching today. It is concluded that this matter integrates a flexible content and depends on the impacts and social developments that are taking shape with respect to musical work, but that it completes and articulates the work of the musician in training with an ideological and analytical vision.


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How to Cite
Caignet Lima, S., & Chávez Acuña, S. C. (2023). The philosophy of music education and its relevance as a subject. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 14(27).