Educational development of scientific and artistic vocations: perceptions of left handedness

  • Antonio Xavier Vergara López CENID
  • Claudia Rosalía Correa CENID


Educational policy in Ecuador was hit with the commitment it made the state to change the low quality of education, the lack of relevance of the curriculum and limited access to education by inequity.   The ten-year plan 2006-2015 tried to build these strategic objectives in the cognitive frameworks: curriculum, human, financial and managerial talent, legal framework, accountability framework.   In the productive matrix postulated in the National Plan for Good Living it raises target the promotion of human resources in science and technology, for the production of knowledge in priority areas at country level. That is why in this sense that this research on the student left handedness intended help detect early age children can develop skills in specific disciplines related to the exact sciences and humanities, this would enable vocations for the improvement of human resources in areas that contribute to the strengthening of science and technology at the country level.   Today, thanks to various studies on this subject it is known that a gene is responsible for the choice and ability to use either hand,  and that hoary concept of "the sinister" was overcome because one in ten people used his left hand.   In this regard, researchers have gone further by specifying that people who use the left hand have proven skills in different areas of science and arts, this being proved by the number of scientists, politicians and artists are "right-handed" with the left hand (Vergara, 2013)  


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How to Cite
Vergara López, A. X., & Rosalía Correa, C. (2016). Educational development of scientific and artistic vocations: perceptions of left handedness. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 6(12), 202 - 215. Retrieved from
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