Strategies to Improve the Study Technique of the Students of Violonchelo of the Faculty of Music of the UANL


The study technique is a basic element in music practice and has specific characteristics when it comes to string instruments. This research paper addresses different strategies that will serve to strengthen the technique and how to address the problems faced by students of the cello class at the School of Music of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (AUNL) in their daily practice. For this research the design of the grounded theory was used. And based on this design, the Delphi technique was used with a panel of 20 experts from different institutions of higher education and national and foreign conservatories. As a result a descriptive and analytical study was achieved to address the different strategies used through the teaching practice to improve the technique. Within the systematic design process, open coding was used where the categories were based on the data collected from the interviews. The results showed that the students should know what aspect of their performance they want to improve before starting their sequence of repetitions. They must also find a suitable place for their daily practice and be constant to obtain optimal results.


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How to Cite
López Prado, J. M., & Salcedo Moncada, B. (2019). Strategies to Improve the Study Technique of the Students of Violonchelo of the Faculty of Music of the UANL. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 9(18), 613 - 629.
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