Design of an IoT - MOOC architecture as an alternative to the space-time framework in the teaching process


An essential factor in the development of the teaching-learning process by which the teacher raises content to a student, based on objectives and within a context and where the student-teacher relationship is given, is the spatio-temporal framing. The teaching process is developed through guided classes or tutorials whose spatio-temporal dimension is the same for the student and the teacher. This article deals with the development of a remote alternative through the use of wireless technology and the use of IoT devices and Wearables devices with the use of MOOC platforms, the experimental results obtained show that this type of digital modality is possible to apply with success with the same results as a face-to-face class without losing the essence of the traditional teaching-learning process scenery.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Sánchez, T., Peredo Valderrama, R., Medel Juárez, J. de J., & Álvarez Cedillo, J. A. (2018). Design of an IoT - MOOC architecture as an alternative to the space-time framework in the teaching process. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana Para La Investigación Y El Desarrollo Educativo, 8(16), 712 - 728.
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